Your technology's human touch

We design digital products and services for complex environments and critical infrastructures.

We are a multidisciplinary strategic design firm that builds digital tools that people use, love and remember. We work with engineering teams providing a human perspective to the most innovative technologies.

Some of our work

Aurrekontu Irekiak

A collaborative budget creation process that goes full circle for citizens

Transport Card
Renewal Services

UX Audit of the MUGI public transport card renewal services online


A design concept for industrial security

More projects

Our impact

We have been putting people first in our projects for more than 15 years, making an impact in sectors that needed the most.

Cybersecurity / Energy / Geospatial Services / Human Resources / Industry 4.0. / Legal Services / Logistics / Manufacturing / Public Services / Transport ... and many more

Flowing experiences for complex systems.

Collaboration without friction is in our DNA.

How can we help

Our key activities

  • / Research to understand your business and your users
  • / Codesign with your main stakeholders
  • / Definition of products and services
  • / Visualization of the physical and the intangible
  • / Discovery of patterns exploring time, space and relationships


1. Research

  • — Business research through benchmark and analysis tools
  • — User and stakeholder research through interviews and surveys
  • — Digital transformation and design culture diagnostics

2. Service Design

  • — Strategic Design of Services
  • — Organizational transformation through visualization
  • — Visualizing business processes and flows
  • — Service and experience mapping

3. Product design

  • — Product Management & Roadmapping
  • — User Experience (UX) & Hi-Fi User Interface (UI) Design
  • — Digital Product ideation and mockups for MVPs
  • — Information architecture & Interaction design (IxD)

4. Data Visualization

  • — Dashboards & Visual reports
  • — Information design & Infographic design
  • — Data storytellling & Interactive data visualization
  • — GIS & Mapping tools

5. Design System Ops

  • — Living Styleguides + Automated workflows
  • — Documentation Systems
  • — Design/Dev Conciliation & Handoff workflows

We work with stakeholders and users

In our human centered approach, we involve users and all the relevant people in your organization. We understand that the success of products and services comes from a collaborative and goal oriented mentality.

Some of our clients

We help important organizations from a wide range of sectors.

Write or call us to discover what can we achieve together.

We design trustworthy tools to level up you organization technology

We design viable services to level up you organization profit

We design innovative products to level up you organization usability

  • +15 years of activity
  • +30 happy clients
  • +40 innovative projects